Green IBDM

For sustainable science
From daily individual actions to global changes in the institute

In tune with society, many laboratories in France and abroad have become aware of the need to reduce the environmental footprint of their research activities.Thus, in 2020, IBDM officially created a sustainable development working group called “Green IBDM”, whose main mission is to provide all IBDM members with practical solutions to reduce their consumption and limit the volume of their waste.

The “Green IBDM” is supported in its actions by a network of referents within the teams and technical platforms responsible for relaying the messages of the working group and ensuring compliance with the decisions taken at the institute level in favor of a more ecological research.

In parallel, the working group has put in place a methodology to monitor IBDM’s carbon footprint following the evaluation protocol proposed by Labo1point5

The Green IBDM committee supports the “All carpoolers scheme run by AMU.

Our Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions for the year 2019

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