Job opportunitites

Tenured Maitre de Conférence position in Bioinformatics in Computational Biology team

Our team at the IBDM is part of a Maitre de Conference competition for a permanent assistant professor position in Bioinformatics in Aix-Marseille University.

The person recruited must demonstrate a high level of research activity in the fields of bioinformatics. The competition is open to several research teams in the Biology Department of AMU, of which our team is part of. The person recruited must have the skills to teach this discipline at Bachelor’s and Master’s level.

Teaching :

The person recruited will be part of the Bioinformatics and Genomics teaching team in the Biology Department of the UFR Sciences. He or she will teach Bioinformatics and Genomics in the Bachelor’s degree in Life Sciences and in the Bioinformatics and Structural Biology and Genomics Masters. The biology training offer is spread over the Aix-Montperrin, Marseille-Luminy and Marseille-St Charles sites, the teaching assigned to the person recruited could take place at these Aix and Marseille sites. He or she will be involved in teaching and team responsibilities in the biology department. Subjects that will have to be taught include:

  • Statistics (probabilities, distributions, hypothesis testing, multiple testing, etc.) ;
  • omics data analysis (RNA-seq, CHIP-Seq, metagenomics, etc.) using various tools (Galaxy, R, Snakemake, etc.);
  • Analysis, integration and visualisation of multi-scale genomic data using automatic and/or supervised learning methods (machine learning, artificial intelligence, biological networks, etc. ) ;
  • Introduction to programming languages (Bash, Python, R, Java, etc.) and software engineering;
  • Exploration of biological databases (NCBI, Uniprot) and sequence analysis (sequence alignments, molecular phylogeny, comparative genomics, etc.);
  • Analysis of genetic variation (GWAS, etc.) at organism or population level.


Experience in theoretical and practical teaching assignments is desirable (but not compulsory). French is required, as is English, as the courses are open to international students.

Research :

The recruited person will be part of one research group eligible for the call. Our team is part of this and your research should fit within our overall research objectives. Our focus lies on the one hand on mitochondrial computational biology, and on evolutionary computational biology. We use a breadth of techniques including but not limited to standard bioinformatics techniques, metabolic and numerical modeling, network biology, machine and deep learning or data visualization techniques. We are a highly collaborative team and sustain a number of research collaborations with experimental teams, as well as theoretical teams coming from computer science or physics.

The official deadline of project submission at the University is 29.3.2024. See full description from AMU.

In case you are interested to learn more, please contact Bianca Habermann.

Type of position