The work will investigate how transcription factor protein sequences influence liquid-liquid phase separation (LLPS), nuclear sub-compartmentalization and gene regulation during development.
Project description
Our team is generally interested in understanding the bases for morphological diversity, a central question in developmental and evolutionary biology.
The PhD fellow will investigate how protein sequences influence liquid-liquid phase separation (LLPS) and nuclear sub-compartmentalization of transcription factors, and how this impacts on gene regulation during development. Hox proteins, key transcription factors, playing major roles in establishing animal body plans, will serve as paradigm for the study.
The research is part of an AMIDEX funded collaborative research program combining the expertise of the team of Y. Graba and A. Saurin at IBDM (Drosophila molecular genetics and developmental biology) and that of S. Longhi at AFMB (study of Intrinsically Disordered Regions (IDRs) and LLPS).
Previous experience in developmental and molecular biology will be appreciated.
To apply, please send a CV and references to Yacine Graba.
Application deadline: 15/12/2023