Offres d'emploi

The transcriptional regulation of muscle development by Hox transcription factors

Annonce en anglais

Project title: The transcriptional regulation of muscle development by Hox transcription factors

Type of rotation: M2 Rotation

Supervisor: Andrew Saurin

Concept and Objectives

Hox genes encode conserved transcription factors that specify the anterior-posterior axis in all bilaterians [1]. Being well known for their role in ectoderm-derivatives patterning, such as CNS and spinal cord, Hox protein function is also crucial in mesodermal patterning. While well described in the case of the vertebrate skeleton patterning, much less is known about muscle precursor specification. In contrast to vertebrates however, studies in the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, have provided precious insight into the requirement of Hox at multiple stages of muscle development [2]. The proposed Master M2 projects will continue recent studies from the team in the transcriptional control of adult muscle development [3] by studying how Hox control distinct adult muscle types. The M2 project will use state-of-the-art genomics profiling techniques, Drosophila genetics, imaging and molecular biology for studying muscle development.

  1. Rezsohazy, R., et al., Cellular and molecular insights into Hox protein action. Development, 2015. 142(7): p. 1212-27.
  2. Rinaldi, L., A.J. Saurin, and Y. Graba, Fattening the perspective of Hox protein specificity through SLiMming. Int J Dev Biol, 2018. 62(11-12): p. 755-766.
  3. Poliacikova, G., et al., M1BP is an essential transcriptional activator of oxidative metabolism during Drosophila development. Nat Commun, 2023. 14(1): p. 3187.

Type d'offre