Studying and working at the IBDM
Whether you have been trained as a biologist, physicist or computer scientist, your expertise may fit a research project at the IBDM
Explore below how you can join a lab for an internship, your PhD, or your postdoc.
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Master and undergraduate students
Discover how to solve fascinating questions in a world-class research institute
If you are interested in doing an internship in one of our research groups, please contact the group leader directly to inquire about the possibility of being hosted in their laboratory. Visit the Research section of the website for information on IBDM teams and their research areas. In addition, the IBDM teams offer laboratory research internships to Master students affiliated with Aix-Marseille University Masters programs.
If you are enrolled in a Masters program at another French university or abroad, do not hesitate to contact the individual group leaders directly to find out about internship availability.
Embark on a PhD journey at the IBDM
and learn how to become a researcher
Explore the variety of Doctoral funding opportunities
Aix-Marseille University doctoral contracts are awarded following a competitive recruitment process organised every year by the doctoral school of Life and Health Sciences / ED 62.
Detailed information on the participating IBDM research groups, eligibility requirements and the application procedure is available here
The NeuroSchool doctoral program in neurosciences offers PhD contracts for projects under international co-supervision or co-direction and PhD contracts for international students with a Master’s degree from a foreign university
Additional information on these calls is available at this link
The Turing Centre for Living Systems (Centuri) PhD program funds interdisciplinary PhD projects co-supervised by at least two scientists from different disciplines (physics/biology, mathematics/biology, etc.).
For more information about the Centuri PhD call, see here
You can consult project-funded PhD fellowships offered by the project leaders in the job opportunities section of the IBDM website.
Enrich your expertise, join us for your postdoc
A postdoc at the IBDM prepares you to the competitive world of research.
We welcome postdocs from all over the world. If you are interested in doing postdoctoral research at the IBDM, contact the individual group leaders directly. Also check the job offer section of the IBDM website for project-funded postdoc opportunities. Post-doctoral fellowship opportunities at the IBDM are also available from the Turing Centre for Living Systems (Centuri) for fellows working on interdisciplinary research projects.
PhD Position | ACTIN-SHIFT: Molecular mechanisms by which actin isoforms control sarcomere assembly
The Schnorrer group is welcoming applications for an ANR-funded PhD position to decipher molecular mechanisms how muscle nuclei sense mechanical pressure to adapt their transcriptional program.
L’équipe de Frank Schnorrer recherche un(e) doctorant(e) afin de décrypter les mécanismes moléculaires par lesquels les noyaux musculaires détectent la pression mécanique pour adapter leur programme transcriptionnel.
How two recently discovered and oppositely acting transcriptional regulators control metabolism in the Drosophila larval fat body, with a special attention on metabolic paths linked to fat accumulation.
Notre équipe à l’IBDM participe à un concours de maître de conférence pour un poste de professeur assistant permanent en bio-informatique à Aix-Marseille Université.
Nous recherchons un/une gestionnaire administratif et financier (H/F). La personne recrutée sera intégrée au sein du Service Administratif et Financier de l’Institut de Biologie du Développement de Marseille (IBDM).
We are looking for candidates wishing to apply to a CENTURI Program PhD fellowship to work on the cell biology of epithelia in the emerging model Trichoplax.
Conditions requises : Maîtrise en physique, biophysique, acoustique, biologie moléculaire ou cellulaire, neurosciences ou dans une discipline connexe.
Les travaux porteront sur la manière dont les séquences de protéines de facteurs de transcription influencent la séparation de phase liquide-liquide (LLPS), la sous-compartimentation nucléaire et la régulation des gènes au cours du développement.
Interplay of cellular forces, adhesion and mechanics during colorectal cancer progression
The intern will develop skills in cell biology (cell culture, immunofluorescence, confocal imaging) and will be trained to use advanced biophysical tools (deformable hydrogel beads, atomic force microscopy).
The selected candidate will receive training in the following areas: molecular biology, cell biology, Xenopus micro-injection and micro-surgery, fluorescent confocal microscopy, video-microscopy, numerical image analysis.
The project aims at uncovering the molecular and cellular bases for Ubx and AbdA distinct motif usage.
The master project (M2) aims at characterizing the epithelial connectivity and collective behavior of the intestinal differentiated domain in homeostatic conditions or under challenging contexts.
During the Master’s project (M1 or M2), the student will use some of the techniques used in the laboratory to quantitatively interrogate the structure-function relationship underlying interallelic interactions.
Sensing mechanical forces during epithelial remodeling in the Placozoan Trichoplax adhaerens
The M1 student will learn micromanipulation, live confocal imaging, immunofluorescence and quantitative modelling techniques.
During this master project (M2) the student will apply the above method to obtain proof of principle that targeting selected candidate genes can efficiently induce or suppress intramuscular adipose tissue formation.
During this M2 project, the student will work on a recently developed model of medulloblastoma in the chick embryo.
During this master project (M1 or M2), the student will analyze the dynamics of PRC1 dots during neuronal specification and maintenance by in vivo time-lapse imaging, and characterize the nature of these dots.
The M2 project will use state-of-the-art genomics profiling techniques, Drosophila genetics, imaging and molecular biology for studying the antagonistic transcriptional control and dysfunction of fat body lipid metabolism development.
Investigating the mechanobiology of self-organisation in human iPSC-derived skeletal muscles
The successful completion of the project will allow you to answer how mechanical tension is generated inside human myofibers by integrating intracellular molecular forces and extracellular mechanical environment.
The M2 project will use state-of-the-art genomics profiling techniques, Drosophila genetics, imaging and molecular biology for studying muscle development.
Applicants should be interested in the quantitative aspects of cell biology, with a particular focus on marine organisms.
Investigating the mechanobiology of self-organisation in human iPSC-derived skeletal muscles
Annonce en anglais Project title: Investigating the mechanobiology of self-organisation in human iPSC-derived skeletal muscles Type of rotation: M1 (2 months) or M2 (6 months)
“Innovation pour transformer les modèles de pathologies”
Aix-Marseille Université (AMU) propose un recrutement par voie de contrat de Chaire Professeur Junior.
Wanted! Highly motivated candidates wishing to apply for an Aix-Marseille University PhD fellowship to work on the cell biology of epithelia in the emerging model Trichoplax adhaerens. On cherche des candidat-e-s à une bourse doctorale de Aix-Marseille Université pour étudier la biologie des épithéliums dans un organisme-modèle émergeant, Trichoplax adhaerens.
Mission Contribuer aux recherches de l’équipe sur la caractérisation fonctionnelle etmécanistique des circuits de signalisation dans le cancer. Développer de nouveaux outilsthérapeutiques et diagnostiques. Activités
Un poste de docteur sur la robustesse des programmes de spécification du destin cellulaire – Bertrand Lab (juin 2022) à l’Institut de Biologie du Développement
Un poste d’ingénieur en biologie est à pourvoir à partir de septembre 2022 dans le groupe de PF Lenne à l’Institut de Biologie du Développement
The Munro (Chicago, USA), Lenne and Ruprecht (Marseille, France) groups seek 2-3 postdoctoral fellows to join a newly funded (NSF/ANR) international collaboration. The overall goal of this
Apply to a lecturer position in Cellular and Integrative Physiology Department of Biology, University of Aix-Marseille / Institute of Developmental Biology of Marseille More information
We welcome applications from highly motivated, curiosity-driven PhD candidates, interested in the topic of Developmental Neurobiology, to join Cédric Maurange’s team. The position is funded for 3 years. Research in
A time at the IBDM can be a transformative experience. Our alumni have earned prestigious positions in the academic or private sectors all over the world. See some testimonials below and visit the team’s pages for more examples.
My experience at IBDM as a PhD student was transformative and joyful. I am extremely grateful to the institute for being so welcoming to an international student who could barely speak French. I built several long-lasting connections both within and outside the lab. I remember the administrative staff helping me book a flight to India on Christmas Eve. I also fondly remember the weekly seminars that everyone engaged in and took the time to give feedback to trainees. I miss my time at IBDM, and the long runs in the Calanques nearby in between experiments and data analysis. I am now a faculty in Duke University School of Medicine. I carry the spirit I imbibed at IBDM of engaging with the department and building an inclusive community.

My postdoc at IBDM was simply magical. A rich environment scientifically and humanly. This richness is accompanied by excellent services and facilities that allowed me to progress quickly and surely. IBDM has opened my scientific mind on several themes, given me the opportunity to work with world renowned researchers, helped me develop my research projects with lots of advice and experience sharing and finally participated a lot in the creation of the scientist that I am now. If you want to boost your scientific knowledge, career and generate high quality results while being in a family and work friendly environment, I highly recommend the IBDM Research Institute.

My PhD at the IBDM gave me the opportunity to develop a successful scientific project, as well as to increase my scientific and personal skills. In addition, the multidisciplinary projects carried out by the IBDM opened me up to various professional perspectives, which I currently find in the world of deeptech start-ups. Finally, the exceptional working environment offered by the Calanques National Park also contributes to the good atmosphere that reigns in this research institute. Overall, this experience allowed me to find a job quickly in the private sector in direct continuity with my research work.

I spent 4 years at IBDM as a Ph.D. student. I really enjoyed and keep good memories of my time there. The Ph.D./post-doc students’ community was very dynamic and friendly. I am still in contact with a lot of Ph.D. fellows, some of them being now junior group leader colleagues. I remember also the external seminars, where most people would go, the speakers were great. I met my future post-doc supervisor through these talks.