PRC1 chromatin factors ensure the robustness of neuronal differentiation
The Bertrand team shows that PRC1 chromatin factors play a role in the robustness of neuronal fate against gene expression noise and environmental perturbations.
The Bertrand team shows that PRC1 chromatin factors play a role in the robustness of neuronal fate against gene expression noise and environmental perturbations.
EMBO elects 67 new members and associate members. They join the community of more than 1,900 leading life scientists in Europe and beyond.
The Lenne team published in Elife: using gastruloids –3D aggregates of mouse embryonic stem cells- they study at cellular resolution the specification of the endoderm.
Nos résultats apportent un éclairage nouveau sur l’implication du circuit corticostrié dans les TSA.
In this study, the Mann team showed that pancreatic cancer development promotes the sprouting and growth of sympathetic axons.
The Helmbacher team identified the Fat1 Cadherin as a novel regulator of retinal vascular integrity, and investigated the underlying mechanisms.
Our work demonstrates that by activating the NF-kB pathway, cell wall peptidoglycan produced by these same bacteria, counteracts SREBP activation in adipocytes in a cell-autonomous manner.
Our results allow us to propose a simple and efficient model of how life could generate new functions through the use of new actin isoforms.
Data published in Hum Mol Genet. confirm that Tshz3 heterozygous mice constitute a model that replicates many of the clinical problems reported in patients with TSHZ3 heterozygous conditions.
The selected candidates will receive support to establish a group in a fully renovated building, have access to cutting-edge scientific core facilities, and will be assisted in obtaining a tenured position, and in securing extramural funding.