Electron Microscopy
We provide the scientific community with the devices and electron microscopes necessary for sample preparation and imaging by electron microscopy.
Our services include the sample preparation with the following methods: negative staining, plastic embedding, immuno-labelling, high pressure freezing, freeze substitution, (cryo)-ultramicrotomy… We routinely use advanced imaging modalities such as electron tomography (ET), Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (STEM), Scanning Electron Microscopy in « Serial Block-Face » mode, Correlative Light and Electron Microscopy (CLEM)…
For the users who wish to work independently, we offer individual or group training in the conventional methods of transmission and scanning electron microscopy
T4: Teams from laboratories within the PICsL perimeter (IBDM, CIML, INMED, IMM, Institut Fresnel)
T3: Teams from laboratories outside the PICsL perimeter
T2: Other public users
T1: Private users (with or without collaboration)
The pricing of the microscopes booking, our service offer and our training offer is based on fares validated by the CNRS.
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Please, do not hesitate to contact us
Transmission electron microscope FEI Tecnai g2 200 kv
Transmission electron microscope FEI Morgagni 120 kv
Transmission Electron Microscope that is very quick and simple to use
Scanning electron microscope FEI Teneo vs
Scanning Electron Microscope that can be used for automated 3D acquisition by Serial BlockFace
Sample preparation
Leica EMPact 2, high pressure freezing machine
Leica AFS 2, freeze substitution apparatus
Leica EM AMW, sample preparation automate
Leica UC7, (cryo)-ultramicrotome
Our services
Sample preparation
We offer our expertise in preparing your samples for Transmission and Scanning Electron Microscopy
Individual or Group Training
Users wishing to specialize in Electron Microscopy can follow the courses in which we are involved or make an appointment with us for individual training
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