Our scientific environment
Researchers at the IBDM investigate processes at all biological scales, from the molecule to the organism, through a wide variety of complementary molecular, microscopy, behavioral and computational approaches. The institute is a model for interdisciplinary science. It hosts the founding labs of the Turing Centre for Living Systems (Centuri), an ambitious interdisciplinary project gathering local teams of biologists, mathematicians, physicists and computer scientists from the various scientific institutes on the Luminy campus. Over the years, Centuri has become a landmark/hub for interdisciplinary science in France, hosting international PhD and post-doctoral programs.
The IBDM is also embedded in other programs of excellence from Aix-Marseille University
Patents & Start-up
With the aim to translate some of our research towards therapy, we produce each year a number of patents that directly arise from our discoveries. Some of these patents lay the ground for the creation of start-up.